This book is a tad on the longer side, and it felt like it took a bit to get engaging, but once it picks up it’s absolutely worth it. Once the author can settle you into this NYC of the past (with steakhouses you’d recognize today because, can you believe it, some restaurants have stood the test of time), and the interesting job titles characters hold, and reminding you that feminism WAS TOTALLY NOT A THING BACK THEN, you really get into it. And ‘it’ is the horrifying serial killings going on around the city.
What drew me to this book was the use of psychological profiles to catch the killer. They basically have to convince a bunch of meathead police (no offense to meathead police) that psychology is legit, serial killers are really f*cked up, and you can catch one if you try to understand them. Doesn’t go over well, but they end up catching him (or do they?….). I definitely think this book is worth it if you like psychological thrillers and/or murder mysteries. I do not plan on watching the show but if you’ve seen it and read the book, let me know if it’s just as good. I did not envision Dakota Fanning as the (basically only) female character, so I am already dissuaded.
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